

Your customers demand high standards of cleanliness, and so do we. We offer a highly flexible and comprehensive solution for retail businesses and work around opening times, busy periods and seasonal variances to keep your retail environment in pristine condition at all times.

We understand the importance of an unobtrusive but complete cleaning service in your business and deliver this with consistency and efficiency to allow you to concentrate on your customers.

Call us on 01202 986700 to arrange a no-obligation estimate for your office cleaning.

Professional Retail Cleaning Service

We understand that keeping a retail space clean needs to fit around your opening hours. This is why we provide a flexible service that allows us to clean your space in the evening or over the weekends so that you can keep your doors open during the day.

With such high footfall through your retail space, there is a high risk of germs spreading, so we ensure that we use antibacterial cleaning products on all touchpoints, removing as much of the germs as possible so that your staff and customers can feel confident they won't catch anything when in your shop.

Our retail cleaning service will include:

  • Cleaning all touchpoints, such as door handles, pin pads and computer keyboards/screens
  • Cleaning windows and mirrors
  • Vacuuming and mopping floors
  • Cleaning toilets
  • Cleaning staff areas

We can create a bespoke cleaning schedule for your shop so that we don't get in the way of your staff providing quality customer service.

Discuss your needs with our team by calling 01202 986700.

Ensuring Compliance

To ensure compliance while cleaning retail spaces, our cleaning company adheres to rigorous standards and protocols designed to meet regulatory requirements and maintain a safe and hygienic environment for customers and staff. We prioritise the use of environmentally friendly cleaning products and practices that are compliant with industry regulations and guidelines. Our cleaning technicians undergo comprehensive training on proper cleaning techniques, including disinfection procedures and the safe handling of cleaning chemicals.

We closely monitor developments in cleaning and sanitation regulations to ensure our practices align with current standards and best practices. Additionally, we implement strict quality control measures and conduct regular audits to verify compliance with cleaning protocols and identify areas for improvement. By staying informed and proactive, we strive to exceed regulatory expectations and provide our clients with peace of mind, knowing that their retail spaces are cleaned to the highest standards of safety and cleanliness.

Reducing the Spread of Infection

The spread of germs and infection can be high in retail spaces because they are busy and there are plenty of touch points. Therefore, infection control is a priority every time we clean.

By using antibacterial wipes, sprays and cleaning products, we reduce the amount of bacteria in places that are likely to be touched, therefore reducing the spread of germs and creating a safe environment for your staff and customers.

Areas we target include:

  • Door handles
  • Pin pads
  • Staff keyboards
  • Handrails on stairs
  • Lift buttons

Why Choose Our Retail Cleaning Services?

From our professional and friendly team to our quality cleans, there are a number of reasons why we are the top chosen commercial cleaning company.

  • Experienced cleaners that provide a comprehensive cleaning service
  • High standards that are maintained through regular spot checks
  • Open communication in the form of a feedback book
  • Non-stop services, including over holidays
  • A bespoke plan that is built around your requirements
  • Highly trained staff that respect your workspace

Speak To Our Team Today

Our team are always happy to learn about your retail business and cleaning needs and discuss how our services can help.

Once we understand what you are looking for, we can work with you to create a suitable cleaning schedule that works for you, ensuring that we don't intrude on your business hours but can provide a high-quality service.

Contact us today by calling 01202 986700 or complete our contact form, and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

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