It’s very important to us that we recognise the important work our team carries out on behalf of our clients. Our team often work unsociable hours around childcare or other jobs and cleaning is a tough job at the best of times. We think that it’s our moral duty to give the best we can to our staff and in doing so, we win in so many ways.

We make sure we always pay our staff above the minimum wage and ahead of our competitors. This also has a knock on effect of attracting better quality staff who stay loyal to our company and to our clients. An independent study found more than 80% of employers believe paying the above the minimum wage had improved their staff’s quality of work. We have definitely experienced this at Dorset Commercial Cleaning – Paying our staff better means they take extra pride in their work.

Our staff are happier and more motivated, because earning more means they do not have to work additional hours. This positive impact on their work-life balance, means there is generally a higher sense of morale at work. 

We also experience a far lower level of sickness across our business and a much higher retention rate. This has a knock on effect of a much higher quality and consistent service delivery to our clients.

So it’s a win-win – We have happy staff and happy clients, so we’re happy.