Industrial workspaces are an entirely different beast to offices and retail, which is why at Dorset Commercial Cleaning we take great pride in our range of bespoke cleaning services for a wide range of industrial sectors.
Our industrial cleaning team will ensure every area of your complex is spotless and organised, ensuring that you don’t allow the unkemptness of your warehouses and shop floors to get out of hand.
Just because the customers don’t see these areas doesn’t mean there aren’t various hazards you should be avoiding. Here are our top reasons why you should employ our industrial cleaning services.
A safe environment for your staff
Working in industrial areas often means that there is a larger safety risk to your staff, due to the nature of the environment.
For example, heavy machinery such as forklifts and trash compactors can make the environment especially dangerous if the area is cluttered, dirty or neglected – it’s absolutely paramount that everything is stored sensibly.
Not only can we make the environment safer by cleaning and tidying your warehouses, but we can make sure all other areas of your business are thoroughly cleaned.
Shelving, floors, as well as break rooms and canteens will all be scrubbed with anti-viral and anti-bacterial disinfectant, making sure your workspaces are germ and Covid free.
All of this will go towards making sure that your workspace is free of any accidents or hazards that could impact your workforce.
Increased productivity
It’s been scientifically proven – a clean and tidy workspace pays dividends for your bottom line, by making your employees feel safe and comfortable as well as feeling as if their basic needs are valued and understood.
While it will definitely improve the attitude and mental state of your workers, in a physical sense it will make sure that all processes are streamlined and efficient as possible – by removing clutter and organising workspaces, you ensure that paths are unimpeded, and accidents are kept to a minimum.
Spend your time and money wisely
Make sure you’re not getting your warehouse floor workers to clean! They have their own responsibilities that they can dedicate their full energy to when they have peace of mind that their workspace will always be clean, tidy, and efficient. Get Dorset Commercial Cleaners to do it for you.
Our cleaners have been in the industry for years and there’s no cleaning job that scares them – when you bring us in, you can guarantee professional results that you’ll love, and want to come back for more.
Ensure that the wages you are paying your staff go on getting the most out of your business, while we take care of the rest. We already have systems and products that work perfectly for us, meaning you don’t have to go out of your way to research the best cleaning products when you should be managing the important things.
Choose Dorset Commercial Cleaners for your Industrial Cleaning needs
For a happier, safer, and more productive workforce as well as peace of mind when it comes to you and your staff’s health, give Dorset Commercial Cleaners a call.
We’ve been the cleaning service the South can rely on for years, and are ready to deliver professional results you won’t find anywhere else. Talk to a member of our friendly team about your unique requirements, on 01202 986700.